Summer 2013

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“Beyond the Instrument: Colin Stetson’s Sound Story” by Nick Storring
John Wynne Recalibrates Our Perception of Physical Space” by Julian Cowley
“A Genuine Fake: Jennifer Walshe Spins a Fine Tale” by Louise Gray
“Buffalo New Music: A Tradition of Adventure” by Gayle Young
Gordon Monahan: Open Your Eyes, See the Sound” by David McCallum
DIY: “Octopurse: A Wearable, Soft-Circuit Sound Sculpture” by Rob Cruickshank
Sonic Geography: “Lisbon, Portugal” by Richard Simas
Visions of Sound: “SlowPitch’s Emoralis: The Secret Sonic Life of Snails” by Jennie Punter
Label Profile: “Centrediscs Showcases Canada’s Composers” by Jason van Eyk
Event Review: “Volume: Hear Here. Mississauga and Toronto, Canada” by Jason van Eyk

1. High Above a Grey Green Sea (2013) 4:27 Composed and performed by Colin Stetson. From the album New History of Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light (Constellation Records, CST092).
2. Transplant (2008) 19:34 Composed by John Wynne. Stereo mixdown from Transplant, a twenty-four-channel photographic and sound installation.
3. Duo for Cajón and Computer (2011) 9:28 Composed by Cort Lippe. Performed by Patti Cudd and Cort Lippe.
4. How I Go Through (2013) 2:47 Composed by SlowPitch (Cheldon Paterson). From Emoralis, a twenty-five-minute live audiovisual piece by SlowPitch and his creative and life partner Wifihifiscifi (Vanese Smith).
5. Glide Over Forest Floor (2013) 2:39 Composed by SlowPitch (Cheldon Paterson). From Emoralis.
6. Anterior Second Movement (2013) 3:13 Composed by SlowPitch (Cheldon Paterson). From the album Emoralis (Phonosaurus Records).
7. Toy Adonis (2013) 13:28 Improvised by Panos Ghikas and Jennifer Walshe. From the album Good Teeth (Migro Records, MIG002).
8. Frigate (2009) 9:49 Composed by J.T. Rinker. Performed by Rin Ozaki and J.T. Rinker.